John | 曲

Reflection in Transition

I earned my master's degree in mechanical design from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. As a graduate student, I used to fight with Tetra Pak's patents with alternative filling machine mechanisms. At the factory, I saw intending different design of Tetra Pak's A3 Flex filling machine, I decided to copy the models out of its Spare Parts Catalogue. Recently I have calculated the curves of Tetra Pak's virtual-cams with Sympy. I want to turn those efforts into a course. The next step is rebuilding the models with FreeCAD. Then let them move according to the cam curves with Blender.

Here are only Chinese blogs at the moment. I will write technical articles after I finish reading Murphy's English Grammar in Use in July 2020.

我叫曲政,2009 年从上海交通大学毕业,顺势进了项目合作企业继续搞利乐牛奶灌装机。当时的名头是研发工程师。不过我发现,真研发的东西不靠谱,靠谱的东西都是拷贝,我终于明白原来行业里大家比的是谁抄得快、抄得好。要结婚我回上海,进了做电子接插件的日企,亲手组装量产用的自动机。一步步调试设备,我才体会到不做不知道的道理。干活让我挺快活,但没活干时闲得慌。正好有个机会,我成了售前技术支持,做发动机和压缩机加工测量设备,半年后我完全转为营业,负责东北华北。我发现与客户沟通,给朋友办事也挺有意思。

我目前没有正式工作,在图书馆学写程序,在黄浦江边练长跑,在儿童培训班门口读闲书。2019 年底 2020 年初,慢慢鼓捣出这个个人主页,搜集了我从 2007 年起的小文,讲平常日子里的不平常的体会,还有一些训练故事。它们没啥道理,太多扯淡,也许只有我和我的朋友才能读出味道。